Penn State Lionettes - Tryouts

Sign up for tryouts at this link: SIGN UP
March 8-10, 2024
Mary Beaver White Building on the Penn State University Park campus in State College, Pa. 
If you cannot attend, you can take part in the video tryout process. 
Required Documents: 
Physical: the physical can be done anywhere, but the form that can be found HERE is the one that must be filled out by your doctor and turned in.  All the pages must be filled out even if they are n/a answers. 
Proof of acceptance to Penn State University Park Location/or upcoming semester schedule. 
Show proof of a Sickle Cell Test (with a result)
Proof of current health insurance (please provide a photocopy of the front and back of your card with group #)
Please send these documents via email to and by February 24th. Please also bring them printed out to the audition. 
If you are doing the video audition please fill out this form and Coach Jackie will send you more information about the skills and combos that you will need to complete along with due dates.
If you received an automatic finalist certificate at one of the clinics, please fill out this form and Coach Jackie will send over some additional information to you. 
Toe touches (required)
Barrel jumps (work on different variations… we will teach a few at the audition)
Switch tilts (required)
Quad pirouettes on the right side (required) -This will be done on the right side. You will stand on your left leg. 
Reverse spotting turns in second (required) – This will be done on the right side. This means that you will be standing on your left leg and the right leg will be in second.
Regular spotting turns in second (required) - This will be done on the right side. This means that you will be standing on your left leg and the right leg will be in second.
Aerial (required) – Right side is preferred and both sides are a bonus. 
Front aerial (recommended) 
Baerial (recommended)
Front handspring without hands (recommended)
Tryout Weekend Block Schedule
Friday March 8th
5-9pm– The technique round of tryouts will be completed this day, and the first cut will be made. 
Saturday March 9th
9am-5pm- The combo round of auditions will take place. The second cut will be made by the end of the day. 
Sunday March 10th
9am-12pm- The interview round of the audition will be completed this day. This is the final round of the audition and there will be an email sent to the applicants in this round sometime in the following week.